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Monday, June 18, 2018

Papaya is a magical fruit

     Papaya contains a lot of nutrients, even very rich in vitamin C. One papaya fruit contains at least 235 mg of vitamin C. The amount is 2-3 times more than recommended daily recommendations.
Not only that, papaya also contains other nutrients needed by the body, namely vitamin A, vitamin B1, B3, B5, vitamin E, vitamin K, lycopene, fiber, calcium, potassium, folate, and magnesium. With a myriad of these nutrients, papaya provides so many health benefits.
Variety of Benefits Papaya

     Some people may know papaya as a fruit that can facilitate digestion. But actually there are various benefits of papaya for health and beauty you need to know:
a). Healthy eyes.
Papaya contains vitamin A which is good for the eyes. Vitamin A is needed for corneal health and produces enough moisture to keep the eyes well lubricated.
b). Healthy hair and nails.
Papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals that help promote hair and nail growth. This orange fruit can even be used as a hair mask to nourish hair.
c). Heals sunburned skin.
Papaya contains a substance called lycopene. According to research, consuming lycopene can maintain healthy skin because antioxidant activity of this substance play in preventing cell damage caused by free radical.
d). Streamlining digestion.
Do you know why papaya is famous for digestion? This is because papaya contains papain enzymes that make proteins more easily digested. According to research, consuming papaya for 40 days allegedly can cure constipation and flatulence.
e). Heart health.
Papaya containing vitamin C and lycopene can be one of the foods that help reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, antioxidants in papaya can also increase the effects of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body.
f). Reduce the risk of cancer.
Papaya contain lycopene antioxidants that can reduce cancer-free radicals.
g). Antiaging.
Various nutrients in papaya are able to keep skin healthy and look young. For example papain enzymes that help soften and revitalize the skin, as well as vitamins A and C that help reduce wrinkles and dull black spots. Not only that, vitamin C is also useful to help the body produce collagen which can reduce wrinkles.
h). Boost the immune system.
Vitamins A, C, and E in papaya can help strengthen the immune system. The result, we also avoid infectious diseases, such as colds and flu.
i). Good for dengue fever.
Papaya allegedly have a good impact on diseases caused by dengue virus that can suppress platelet counts. Research shows dengue infection patients who get papaya leaf extract have increased platelets faster than those who get regular treatment. However, this effect still needs to be investigated clinically further.

     If you do not have allergies to papaya and the ingredients in it, start to eat this one fruit to experience the benefits of papaya mentioned above. By adding papaya in your daily menu, your body's nutritional intake will increase and you can avoid some diseases.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Magic "Durian" Tempoyak

     Tempoyak is a typical Indonesian food. Made from fruited durian fruits so that the aroma stings with a distinctive taste.Tender is generally served as a mixture of side dishes and eaten with rice. But it can also be mixed as spices and seasoning sambal.

     The main ingredient of tempehak is durian ripe tree or durian a little watery. Durian fruit flesh needs to be smoothed and given salt for fermentation process faster. The dough is then put in a tight jar and allowed to stand for 3-5 days.

     The result is durian processed scented sting. The texture is mushy with a distinctive sour taste. Sour taste comes from the high levels of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) formed during the fermentation process.Tempoyak is very popular on the island of Sumatra, especially Jambi, Palembang and Lampung. Also Borneo. Most tempoyak sellers are found during the durian season.
The people of Sumatra to cultivate the tempoyak to be a typical dish like chili sauce or mixed with fish. One of the most popular is brengkes or pepes tempoyak from Jambi.

     These peppers are usually made from catfish, indigo or shrimp. One of the delicious sellers of brengkes tempoyak there is Duo Grandma's restaurant. The owner explained how to make brengkes tempoyak.First, the fish washed clean. Next make a fine spice of turmeric, garlic, onion, chili and salt. Then saute the spice.Give fresh fish the finely seasoned dough and thin slices of lime leaves mixed with tempoyak. Finally, the fish wrapped in banana leaves and steamed until cooked.

Ceremony of Tedak Sinten


     The process of tedak siten begins in the morning with a series of traditional foods for salvation. Traditional foods are 'jadah' / 'tetel' seven colors.
This food is made from glutinous rice mixed with grated young coconut and pounded until mixed together and can be sliced. The glutinous rice is colored red, white, black, yellow, blue, orange and purple.

     Jadah is a symbol of life for children, while the colors that apply depicts the way of life that must pass the baby later. The preparation of this jadah starts from black to white, as a symbol that the problem is heavy later there is a way out / bright spot.
     Other traditional food provided for tedak siten is a tumpeng and its equipment and whole chicken.
Tumpeng as a symbol of parental parenting so that the baby will become a useful child. Long bean vegetables as a symbol of longevity. Vegetable kangkung as a symbol of prosperity. Sprouts as a symbol of fertility, while the chicken is a symbol of independence.
     After the salvation event by collecting the invitees have been distributed, the series of tedak siten events continued with the procession of setting the baby's feet above the jadah 7 colors.
Next is a procession up the stairs. Traditional staircase made from sugar cane type 'arjuna' with decorated with colorful paper. This ritual symbolizes the hope that the baby has the nature of the knight of the Arjuna (puppet character who is known to be responsible and tough). In the Javanese language 'sugarcane' is short for 'antebing kalbu' meaning heart kebantaban.

     Tedak siten predicted the future of the child
The next procession is a procession in which the baby is put into a chicken cage that has been decorated with colorful paper. This procession symbolizes the child will be exposed to various types of work. If the big chicken cage the next procession can be done inside the cage. But often so that children feel more freely, the next procession is done outside the cage.
     Babies are confronted with several items to choose from such as rings / money, stationery, cotton, mirrors, books, and pencils. Then left to take one of these items. The goods he chooses are his hobby and future picture. Furthermore, Mother spread yellow rice (rice mixed with turmeric grated) which has been mixed with coins for the fight by the invitation of the children. This ritual is intended for children to have a generous nature.
     The tedak siten procession concludes by bathing the baby into the water of the caman flowers then putting on new clothes.

     The procession of wearing new clothes even this by providing 7 clothes that ultimately the 7th shirt that he will wear. This symbolizes the hope that the baby is always healthy, bringing the name of the fragrance for the family, living worthy, prosperous and useful for the environment.
Hopefully the explanation of this tedak siten ritual can expand the knowledge about the noble values ​​of ancestral culture for the next generation.